Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Something's missing........

Today Tate lost his first tooth! He has been playing with it (gross, I know) for about four days now and while he was talking to aunt Carol on the phone it fell out and hit his tongue. He pulled it out and started screaming! He was so excited. Tonight he wants to hide the tooth under the doormat outside so the strange fairy doesn't have to come into our boy.


Kim said...

WOW! That is so cool! He looks so cute! Hope the tooth fairy brings him something good!

CM said...

YAY Tate! He is getting to be such a big boy. And yes, very, very smart to leave the tooth outside. Maybe the tooth fairy will leave him an extra big tip for not making her walk upstairs?

Beth Hames said...

Way to go Tate!

Julie T said...

How exciting for Tate!

Sharon Hamilton said...

Now you need to teach him to sing "All I Want for Christmas is my two front teeth" I wonder where he gets that need to leave things outside so strangers won't be in the house.

TeamBortzfield said...

Tate I am honored to be a part of your first lost tooth memory. I shouldn't tell you this but I lost my first tooth biting your Mommy...don't try it!