Tate started kindergarten this week and it was a little difficult. I know it will get better but he was very nervous as we went into the room and basically wouldn't let us leave. We finally convinved him he would be okay and he let us go. Shortly after we got home the school called and wanted us to know that he was doing fine and we had nothing to worry about. I was so relieved! When I picked him up he seemed happy but had told the teacher he would not be returning the next day. He finally told me he had a pretty good time and would go back but only if he could ride the bus and buy his lunch. Well, he won't be riding the bus for a few weeks and he changed his mind about buying lunch but returned today. He cried a little when I left him but I am sure he was fine afterwards. He has a hard time with transitioning from mom to class, he did this in preschool. His teacher was so nice and talked to me alot after school yesterday and said he had fun and participated in everything they did. I know it will just take some time and he will love it...I hope!
yea Tate, so proud of my big boy. and his big mama for not stalking the school all day. I don't mean you're big, just acting like a grown up--you know what I mean. Love Y'all!
He will get better every day,he just loves you. I know it's hard, you will both survive. Soon he'll drive off to Tech and won't look back.
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